This tip will help you shave valuable strokes off your game. Putting on fast greens, especially from a distance, can be difficult for most recreational golfers.
In this episode of 18 Holes, Jimmy Hanlin relies on Natalie Gulbis’s ability when it comes to being successful on those really fast greens.
Developing accuracy and a “feel” for those long putts on fast greens will prevent you from blowing a great score by sending the ball three feet past the cup and putting what should be a makeable shot.
Two Tricks for Fast Greens
Jimmy says he’s just going to do whatever Natalie does because she’s a successful putter on the tour. So what is it that makes Natalie Gulbis successful on those fast greens?
She does one of two things:
Natalie does what we all instinctively try to do; she just softly taps the ball and tries to “nudge” it toward the whole.
The key with this technique is to accurately estimate the speed of the green. For example, if you have a 15-footer on a downhill fast green, you probably only need to hit it with the same stroke as a 2-footer on a normal green. The trick is to just get the ball started toward the cup.
The second technique is to strike the ball off the toe of the club.
This takes more of the force delivered off the ball. This allows you to swing with a more natural swing and not compromise your accuracy.

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