In this episode, Jimmy Hanlin and Holly Sonders teach you how to get those iron shots off the ground. Many players struggle with this, and when you are at a picture-perfect course like the Phoenician in Scottsdale, Arizona, you want to hit a shot that’s just as pretty! So how do you do it?
Proper Set Up and a Simple Drill to Get Your Iron Shots Airborne
First, avoid the common mistake of leaning back into your stance. Most golfers Jimmy coaches—and even Holly admits to being guilty of this—naturally want to correct low shots by placing too much weight on their back foot.
You want to aim for a 60/40 split between your feet. Try to get about 60 percent of your weight on that left or front foot.
Next, keep your head and shoulders down over the ball. Just like your weight distribution, this is counter intuitive. Lots of golfers, even those with low handicaps, try to self-correct by leaning their heads back and tilting their shoulders to try to “help” the ball fly.
Once you’re in the correct position, you will force yourself to strike down through the ball and carry that swing toward your target.
Keep Moving Toward the Target
That’s the key—Holly and Jimmy repeat it like a mantra!
To help you get this down, Jimmy demonstrates a simple drill that Holly’s never done before.
Set up with a bucket of balls and practice your position. When you have it right, take your swing and allow that back or right foot to follow through and step right toward the target.
This will help you master the proper position and swing. At this point, do not worry about how the shot looks or where the ball goes. This is a drill to get your swing corrected. Over time, those iron shots will be looking as pretty as your surroundings.
Of course, Holly hit a beautiful “walk-off” shot on her first try, but the rest of us will want to practice this drill often. Remember to check back for more tips on how to improve your golf game, and contact us today to learn how GolfGreens® artificial turf can help you practice like the pros!